Monday, June 13, 2011

Mommy Milestones

found this in an article......totally true

Mommy Milestones

  • You've managed to successfully babyproof your home without making it look like a stunt person's practice area.
  • You are a Master Swinger (i.e., you can push your baby on the swings from the front, from the back, while singing songs, while playing peek-a-boo, while playing patty-cake ...).
  • You watch Sesame Street for the nostalgia factor.
  • You can push a stroller with an iced coffee in hand without suddenly veering into different directions.
  • You want to go out on a date with your partner as an excuse to wear something nice.

Mr. Personality

At this stage in Haydn's life, i have learned that he is a DRAMA QUEEN, let me tell you........, when Haydn aint happy nobody can be happy, when someone tells him no he looks back at you and says NO NO NO, when he doesnt get his mommy time he lets everyone know, when we are in a strange place he freaks out, ohh and if you give him a tap on the wrist to make sure he knows its bad he hits you in the face and then laughs at you like.."yeah right i own this place", DONT get me wrong hes an angel 95% of the time but his personality comes out in so many ways,

We've also hit a bump in the eat aspect of his life, lets just said he cant eat meat, which he needs for protein, so we have to put it in a blender thus far making me wish for teething something i never thought a mom could do, wish for weeks of pure hell but it will be much better for him especially since he had a chocking episode this week, on pizza of all things, so if anybody has any tips please send them this way which brings me to my next ponit..... anybody have any ideas for over night diapers i have tried everything from overnight disposable diapers to cloth diapers one size up and one size down but no matter what i do Haydn makes a mess of himself and his crib nearly every day, and for the sake of my pocket and my sanity i have to figure out soon because it costs me 3.50 every time i do a load of laundry, which again leads me to something new, James and i really want our own home but we both dont want to rush into anything at the same time and get in too deep before its to late fix things but neither of us want to be in this apartment any mor so i think we are going to look into renting a house, a friend of our has one for rent in our price range its just we are unsure if we wanna move again before we own a home......decisions decisions

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Now i dont know this family personally but my fiances family is close to the father of this baby, please pass this on, as a mother i could never imagine taking my son away from his father people like this do not deserve children, it took a month for this to be considered an abduction so pass this as far as you can because they have had a head start

A boy, a baby and a wedding = losing friends????

Since having Haydn James my life has taken a drastic change, i spend a lot of time at home , no more going out and drinking, not more being dumb, and being responsible and growing up to be something hasnt done anything for my social life outside of James, Since becoming a mom have have lost so many friends that just dont understand my situation and today i have been feeling a little crappy about while thinking to myself that people should be happy for me and proud, instead the either ignore me, never call or not acknowledge that i even exist. I have one friend that came to see me in the hospital and i maybe hear from her ever 5 months if that, i have another friend that i try to talk with every day by phone text or email and well i never hear anything, i have one other friend who i cant even call my friend anymore because she just stopped talking to me all together. DOnt get me wrong i have friend ones that after everything i know will be here forever  and i can always count on but it makes me sad that i have lost so many, i sometimes think maybe its me, maybe i talk about haydn too much but Haydn is now what i do hes all i have to talk about, i am a stay at home mom what else should i talk about.

I dont know maybe i just read to much into it but i have herd this happens to many people when they have babies get married and start a life with a significant other and its just not fair, people are only trying to be happy maybe i am not as good of a judge of people as i thought i was..........all i have to say is thank you to the friends who have stuck by my side i cant be easy always hanging out with me and my baby but im glad you get it

Blues Clues

I have a few things to post about today since i have been a bit behind while trying to enjoy the sun. So i am starting off with a little praise to blues clues.

Well i have learned that on the not so nice outside day that its extremely hard to entertain a 11 month baby and a 6 year old boy, so today we play a few games watched a few movies and they were restless i couldnt find anything to keep the entertained and then i found blues clues...........Haydn hasnt moved in the last half hour and Brandon has even stayed still, the show is amazing and it keep them guessing, personally not really for me but let just say i have been able to get a few things done in the apartment made a few appointments to see a few houses and booked out vacation and now when i am done here i will been getting a little bit of cleaning done.

Which brings me to my next point cartoons are just not what they used to be, i miss the classics, woody wood pecker, duck tales, popeye, captain planet, heman, where have they all gone to, i could see myelf sitting down to enjoy cartoons with haydn but these cartoons are not even interesting, not point behind them maybe i can find some educational cartoon for him but until then blues clues and the mickey mouse club house will just have to do

Monday, June 6, 2011

"Summer time just sitting around till the sun goes down"

Remember that song??? i do i love it yesterday was the first day we could actually enjoy a trues summer day and we did it with 2 of my favorite people Gina and Sam. we started out the morning with doing a little sun tanning while Haydn and Brandon play and enjoyed the sun with all of their summer toys, the us ladies left the children with James and floated in the lake it was so so nice, it got me all geared up for an awesome fun filled summer its a little peak on our day

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The beginning of a very busy summer

Today i got informed on how busy my summer is really gonna be as of right now i am watching 5 children including my own and i am going to be so busy with my new work out plan i dont know when ill breath, yesterday was my first day of working out not just a little alot i started my first day with 3 miles of walking and i was feeling the burn this morning, ill keep up with that for a few times then up it to four and so on, me and my work out buddy have a goal i would like to lose 50 lbs by january (8 months) and both of us would like to be able to run a 5k (3miles) by the end of next summer, i am super excited this time maybe because this isnt just for me its for Haydn too, and Haydn loves it when we exercise because he comes with, took him in the stroller yesterday and he LOVED it he just chilled eating his treats and laughed the whole way, then we finished out work out with playing in the sand at the beach and Haydn got to see his first lake and splash around a little bit, it was way to cold to swim of course but he enjoyed it. I dont have anything else really that exciting for you today maybe tomorrow............. just a picture of Haydn enjoying our walk